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Investment Decision Under Uncertainty: Theory and Practice
Investment. Decision Under Uncertainty. 327 monetary return and monetary risk such as that indicated by the crosses where there is no longer a uniformly .

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Investment decision-making under risk (reliability) and uncertainty for
Mar 30, 2011 . Piyatrapoomi, Noppadol & Kumar , Arun (2003) Investment decision-making under risk (reliability) and uncertainty for infrastructure asset .

Risk and Uncertainty
however, in that it explicitly considers the investor's attitude toward risk. Decision making under condition of uncertainty with complete igno- rance requires case .

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Managerial Decision Making Under Risk and Uncertainty
normative rules for decision-making under risk and uncertainty are not followed [ 1 . associated this with different kinds of investment activities and divided them .

Risk, Uncertainty and Investment Decision- Making in the Upstream ...
given to a normative, axiomatic approach to investment decision-making under conditions of risk and uncertainty (Goodwin and Wright, 1991). By using any one, .,-Uncertainty-and-Investment-Decision-Making.pdf

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Modelling project investment decisions under uncertainty using ...
myriad of risks and uncertainties which are often difficult . Uncertainty involved in real risk situa- . investment decisions under risk than probability theory. 3.

Framework for investment decision-making under risk and ...
Jun 10, 2010 . Piyatrapoomi, Noppadol & Kumar, Arun (2003) Framework for investment decision-making under risk and uncertainty for infrastructure asset .

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Investment decision making under uncertainty: the impact of risk ...
Chronopoulos, M. (2011) Investment decision making under uncertainty: the impact of risk aversion, operational flexibility, and competition. Doctoral thesis, UCL .

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